For as long as I can remember, I have always done a vison board during the first month of a new year. Essentially, every New year, I have a new vison board and I am ready to conquer and reach for the stars. However, like clock work around February, I would have forgotten that I even have a vison board. I will not even go into following the planned activities that I meant to tackle that particular year. The worst part is, from november, popular social media feeds start showing what other people have done and accomplished all year and I cannot help but feel like I wasted another year. However, this is debatable because I am sure I would have accomplished certain things but not what I had set out to do.

However, this year, 2024… I am happy to report that I have been keeping track with my vision board. You will also note that I am not calling it a dream board as I have decided that dreaming too much has made my mind think that things will just magically fall into place. But, when I think of a vision… well, I am simply motivated. We are already in May and my year is looking up and I am still on track!

Types of vision boards

There are different types of Vision Boards one can try. I think the most popular one is the vision board which has pictures where people can draw loads of inspiration from. My favourite Youtubers, Erin on Demand Lyn Allure and Amber Scholl use this type of vision boards. Looking at the views on their channels, this type of vision board is pretty popular.

I pulled these quick examples from canva so that you can see what I mean – visual vison boards.

Digital Vision Boards

Digital Vision boards have been popular lately as you can easily create one on Canva for free. To add on, a digital vison board allows you to have it on your digital devices such as phone, laptop and tablet. Each time you reach for your phone, you are reminded to prioritize.

Mistakes to avoid with a vison board

Before I tell you the vison board that I am using this year, I thought I should just tell you a few things I have learnt over the years. These mistakes can set you back or even demotivate you. So reader, be aware!

Dreaming too big – hear me out. You need to know that there are attainable goals that are do-able within a year and some are 5 year or 10 year goals. And yes, I am aware that God is always on your side but putting a $10 million dollar home on your annual vision when you are barely making enough to cover rent will not work. As for me, in 2021 I wanted to move to a better apartment with a better lay-out. I did manage to find a great apartment in my complex at the same price point. Which was great!

Wrong Placement of your Vision board – Sometimes, by the time Easter came, I would not even know where my vision board was. Try to put it somewhere private where you can see it often. Examples are, in your bedroom, door of your closet, bathroom if you have an en-suite.

Being Vague – I do see most vision boards with random things on it. A picture of a car, a random beach, something written girls boss etc, you get the picture. If its a car you want, put the exact mode. An example would be 2018 Mini cooper convertible. (yes, that was specific to me, lol) This will force you to find out how much money is required to purchase said car. Once the amount is established you can see how much effort you need to do to generate the money!

My Winning Vision Board

This year, I went the simple route. No pictures and just numbers and a timeline. This simply because I have figured out that for almost everything to come true on my vision board, I needed money. So in short, I simply put down the 5 main things I wanted to accomplish this year, the timeline to do it and the cost. I did have a section of how much money I was saving towards the items.

My vision board only had 5 things because above all else, I wanted to cultivate a sense of consistency in my life. I will be honest with you, it is working. This post has been written in Mya, I will be back in December to update fully on my vision board.