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What is Elf on the Shelf

It’s that time of the year again where we have to prepare for the merry spirit of Christmas. This is the time you choose your own Christmas tree to decorate with, have pastry goodies and welcome the special Elf on Shelf into your home to make a more memorable and a fun Christmas. Elf on the Shelf is a popular tradition where families use a plush stuffed elf to “keep an eye” on children during the countdown to Christmas. This tradition encourages good behavior on children as they believe that they are being watched and if they do something bad then the Elves will report them to Santa who in turn would not give a bad child a god Christmas gift.

The Elf on Shelf is a Christmas tradition that is focused around Scout Elves who are known to fly to the North Pole every night. The said Scout Elves arrives at homes in a keepsake box set that features a storybook. This story book explains how elves love to report to Santa about each day’s activities at home. So here is how it works, a family adopts a Scout Elf that will be Santa’s eyes ad ears during the busy Christmas season. The Elf heads back to the North Pole each night to report on the children’s behavior, then returns in the morning where he will pop up in a new spot in the home. You can get your special Elf on the Shelf from either a toy store, Christmas store or some department stores where the sell it.

The Elf can be given a cute name like sugarplum, crystal, smiley etc, any name that is cute and can bring a smile to someone’s face. Find creative ways to introduce the family Elf to the children, Elves are known to be cute, fun, naughty and creative so find ways to make the children giggle every morning where ever they pop up.

What are the rules for elf on a shelf?

  1. The family elf gets a unique name and arrives during “Scout Elf Return Week”
  2. Elves Always Have a Good Reason if They Don’t Move.
  3. There’s No Set Date for Your Elf to Appear
  4. He/She Needs a Name
  5. Elves Must Constantly Move Around Your Home
  6. Elves Can’t Move During the Day
  7. Each Night Elves Report Back to Santa
  8. Elves Can Only Move at Night

However, these are not a hard and fast rules. You can create the magic and structure in a way that suits your family

When Does Elf on the shelf arrive

The times at which the Elf on the Shelf arrives is usually called the Scout Elf Return Week and that is usually between the 22nd of November to the first of December. This is the time it is believed that Santa’s little helpers flee the North Pole heading out to the houses they will be staying at for Christmas. Here are some fun and creative idea that will have Christmas mornings filled with laughter and good memories.

1. Elf with Brownies

Elf come in different ways and can pop up from anywhere around the house. Make a morning full of laughter and giggles with the kids finding Brownies made by Elf.

Source @Divachew

2. Marshmallow Bath with Elves

Elves are very naughty in a cute way, make bath time more memorable for your kids when they find Elves taking a marshmallow bath in the sink.

Source : @momonthemonorail

3. Elves made hot dogs

Santa’s little helpers can also help feed the kids by making them hotdogs. Of course they are not edible but it’s the laughter and the memories that counts.

Source : @cocothechristmaself

4. Camping Elves

You can use the Elves to push your agenda for the day, when the kids find Elves camping they might also get in the mood for camping.

5. Elves with Fries

What a fun way to present what’s on the menu for the day than letting the little helpers present it for you.

6. Elf in the Flour Snow

The kids will be diffidently in the mood to help you bake goodies around the kitchen if they find Elf bathing in the Flour snow.

7. Poppit Elves

How thoughtful of the little helpers to bring along Popit from the north pole after reporting you to Santa!

8. The Tissue Reindeer

Elves are naughty in a cute way and playful, you might here giggles in the bathroom while Elves are riding a Tissue Reindeer during their return from the North Pole.

9. Elf tied up by Toys

Give the kids a mission to save Elf tied up just to see how fast they will do it. This will also determine how much they love Elf in their home.

10. The Elfish Lemonade

The naughty Elves have peed in the glasses and advertising it as lemonade. Do the kids trust the Elves enough to drink it?

11. Naughty Elf Lemonade

Fun way to have the kids shaking up those coin boxes to come buy some ‘pee’ lemonade, what a morning to remember.

12. The Elves made popcorn

Elves are surely little helpers, do we eat the corn they made or the kids are up for a group activity of making their own corn to beat the Elves?

13. Elves took your medication

Let us see if the kids will report their new little friends or save them by putting the medicine back.

14. The Milk found the Elf

Are the kids helping naughty Elf who drinks the milk at night or they are laughing and letting Elf receive the punishment?

15. Elf in your Lunch

Imagine the joy it will bring your child when he or she finds her new friend pop up on their lunch box at school.

16. The Cookie Monster with your Elf

Are you peeing first or saving the Elf from cookie monster, you can never run out with fun conversations at breakfast when this Elf keeps popping out from everywhere.

17. Naughty Elf with Toothbrush

Can it ever be early for giggles on Christmas morning, never. Are your kids reclaiming their toothbrush back or disgusted?

18. The Elf makes a naughty joke

The Elves sure have a sense of humor would you kids enjoy it? Mostly.

19. The tooth fairy vs the Elf

Santa’s little helper is surely a lot of trouble, are the kids saving her again or keeping her tied up.

20. Super Naughty Elfs with Chocolates

Maybe this is the time the kids will think its time for Elves to go until they find out it’s chocolate!